Source code for wex.iterable

""" Helper functions for things that are iterable """

import wex.py2compat ; assert wex.py2compat
from itertools import chain, islice as islice_
from six import next, string_types
from six.moves import map, filter
from .composed import composable, wraps

[docs]class ZeroValuesError(ValueError): """ Zero values were found when at least one was expected. """
[docs]class MultipleValuesError(ValueError): """ More than one value was found when one or none were expected. """ # these are the types we do not want to iterate.
do_not_iter = tuple(string_types) + (dict, tuple) def _do_not_iter_append(typeobj): # do_not_iter needs to be a tuple because we pass it to isinstance # but we want to append things so this makes it a little bit mutable global do_not_iter do_not_iter = do_not_iter + (typeobj,) def should_iter(obj): return hasattr(obj, '__iter__') and not isinstance(obj, do_not_iter) def should_iter_list(obj): return hasattr(obj, '__iter__') and not isinstance(obj, do_not_iter + (list,)) def walk(obj, should_iter=should_iter): def _walk(iterator): # pro-tip: step *into* this next line to debug generators for obj in iterator: if should_iter(obj): stack.append(iter(obj)) return yield obj # iterator is now exhausted stack.pop() if not should_iter(obj): yield iter([obj]) return # our stack of iterators - this is how we walk stack = [iter(obj)] # keep yielding generators until the stack is empty while stack: gen = _walk(stack[-1]) yield gen # we expect that the generator will have been # exhausted by the time we get here, but we make # sure it is because otherwise the walk won't stop! for _ in gen: pass @composable
[docs]def flatten(obj, should_iter=should_iter): """ Yield objects from all sub-iterables from obj. """ return chain.from_iterable(walk(obj, should_iter))
@composable def flatten_list(obj, should_iter=should_iter): """ Yield objects from all sub-iterables from obj. """ return chain.from_iterable(walk(obj, should_iter_list)) def map_if_iter(func, should_iter=should_iter): @composable @wraps(func) def _map_if_iter(arg): if should_iter(arg): return map(func, arg) else: return func(arg) return _map_if_iter def filter_if_iter(func): @composable @wraps(func) def wrapper(arg): if not should_iter(arg): return arg else: return filter(func, arg) return wrapper @composable
[docs]def first(iterable): """ Returns first item from an iterable. :param iterable: The iterable. If the iterable is empty then ``None`` is returned. """ if not hasattr(iterable, '__iter__'): # turns out it isn't iterable after all return iterable i = iter(iterable) try: v0 = next(i) except StopIteration: raise ZeroValuesError return v0
[docs]def one(iterable): """ Returns an item from an iterable of exactly one element. If the iterable comprises zero elements then :exc:`.ZeroValuesError` is raised. If the iterable has more than one element then :exc:`.MultipleValuesError` is raised. """ if not hasattr(iterable, '__iter__'): # turns out it isn't iterable after all return iterable i = iter(iterable) v0 = first(i) try: next(i) raise MultipleValuesError() except StopIteration: pass return v0
[docs]def one_or_none(iterable): """ Returns one item or ``None`` from an iterable of length one or zero. If the iterable is empty then ``None`` is returned. If the iterable has more than one element then :exc:`.MultipleValuesError` is raised. """ try: return one(iterable) except ZeroValuesError: return None
[docs]def islice(*islice_args): """ Returns a function that will perform ``itertools.islice`` on its input. """ @composable def islice(iterable): return islice_(iterable, *islice_args) return islice